报告题目一:GNSS Challenges in Air Traffic Management
报告人:Washington Yotto Ochieng 教授
报告内容:The presentation will cover the challenges of using GNSS for gate to gate aircraft navigation and potential solutions.
报告人简介: Washington Yotto Ochieng教授是世界顶级专家、英国帝国理工大学交通研究中心主任兼首席教授,英国皇家工程院院士,(2009年被GPS World评为全球受关注的GNSS高级专家)在业内享有极高声誉。他在导航定位、地理信息系统(GIS)、智能交通系统(ITS)和空中交通管理(ATM)领域有着重要和持续的影响力。他在多个领域主持过开创性的研究,包括:全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)中的误差修正模型、GNSS增强系统设计、下一代民用GNSS、失效模式与影响分析方法、新型陆基定位系统等。Ochieng教授率先认识到了GNSS在航空领域应用的潜力,成立一个在航空领域应用、安全与环境问题方面具有世界领先地位的研究组。在智能交通领域,Ochieng教授关于利用空间信息、卫星导航和航位推算,在交通服务的无缝定位方面做出了原创性的创新研究,他的论文赢得了在地图匹配领域引用次数最多的地位。他对多个重要国际项目做出突出贡献,包括:欧洲的卫星导航系统和增强系统(GALILEO/EGNOS)设计、单一欧洲天空(Single European Sky)倡议以及导航技术在智能交通中的应用。Ochieng教授是国际著名SCI期刊《GPS Solutions》和《地理信息工程》编委,2007年担任智能交通系统期刊智能车辆导航系统特约编辑。他共撰写及合作撰写了超过250篇论文报告,获得多个国家与国际奖项。
报告题目二:Positioning Infrastructure for Smart City
报告人:Wu Chen 教授
报告内容:Hong Kong government is striving to build Hong Kong into a world class smart city and has recently published Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong. Smart city applications are driven by IT technologies to address various urban challenges and spatial information is crucial for such applications. In this presentation, I will report the recent progresses on the establishment of the fundamental positioning infrastructure for Hong Kong. In 2003, Hong Kong established GPS RTK service mainly for surveying applications. However, due to the dense buildings in the city, it was difficult to use the service in urban environments. Multiple GNSS constellations developed in recent years have significantly improved the coverage of GNSS services and we have upgraded the RTK network to full GNSS constellation RTK services. Some experimental results will show the improvement with the integration of multiple constellations. Also, under HK GNSS reference network, we developed a DGNSS service for mobile phone users, which increases the positioning accuracy from 5-10 m to 2 m. Smart lamppost concept is also proposed to provide another layer of positioning infrastructure for seamless positioning in Hong Kong. In 2019, around 200 smart lampposts will be installed in Hong Kong for testing. Some initial study on the positioning infrastructure with these new smart lampposts will also be discussed in the presentation.
报告人简介:Prof Chen Wu obtained BSc degree from Chinese university of Science and Technology in 1982, MSc degree from Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1985, and PhD degree from University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1992. Since 2000, he has been working in the Department of Land Surveying and Geoinformatics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where he is currently a professor.
Prof Chen has been actively working on GNSS and related research for over 30 years and has been working on a large number of research projects funded by universities, governments, and industries. His main research interests are GNSS applications, GNSS performance evaluation, indoor position technologies and SLAM, GNSS integrity, and system integration. In last ten years, Prof Chen has attracted more than HK$30m research funds from various sources. Prof Chen has participated in an EC Horizon 2000 project, working on the problems on ionospheric effects on GNSS and precise positioning. He has been actively promoting to establish regional positioning infrastructures to support economic development in Hong Kong and has received more than HK$20m to develop technologies for seamless positioning in urban environment. He has published over 300 technical papers in different journals and international conferences, and submitted over 30 technical reports to various organizations.
报告题目三:Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
报告人: Andy Song 教授
报告内容: AI is no doubt rising, and rising at an unprecedented speed. It has risen to national strategy level in many countries. In this talk, I will give a quick overview of AI including a brief history and discussions on questions like: what AI is on earth? what AI can do? what AI cannot do, yet? what the major AI approaches are? In addition, I will introduce the current landscape of AI development around the globe.
报告人简介:Dr. Andy Song received his Ph.D. degree in AI from RMIT University, Australia, and since then he has been a faculty member with the School of Science of RMIT. His research interests include evolutionary learning, especially for complex real-world problems, such as industry optimization, texture analysis, motion detection, time series analysis, and intelligent transport systems. He is also working on machine vision. He collaborates extensively with industry partners on establishing cutting-edge techniques which integrate machine intelligence, mobile, and crowd sensing, to benefit the transportation, logistics and warehouse industry. He is the lead investigator of the warehouse optimization project funded by Digital Futures Fund and a key investigator of a series of research and development projects. Dr. Song is the local co-chair of IJCAI, the world top AI conference, in 2017. He is also an OECD forum partner and a B20 Taskforce member, providing policy recommendations to the annual G20 summit. He is also the AI director of several companies.
报告人:孙蕊 副教授
报告人简介:孙蕊博士毕业于英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London),现任职于南京航空航天大学民航学院。主要研究方向包括GNSS多源信息融合算法及其空中地面智能交通应用,城市环境定位技术和导航性能评估,无人机异常行为检测和空管。曾获得“英国诺丁汉优秀毕业生”、“英国皇家导航协会导航新人奖”、“第九届中国卫星导航学术年会青年优秀论文奖”,“ION GNSS+2016 D1b分会最佳报告奖” “2017江苏省创新创业大赛优秀奖”等奖励。孙蕊博士是英国皇家导航协会成员和美国导航学会会员,此外也担任多个国际知名期刊的审稿人如Journal of Navigation, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies等,同时也是国家自然科学基金通讯评审和上海市科学技术专家库成员。目前共发表论文20余篇,其中SCI 10篇。孙蕊博士的期刊论文,获得英国皇家导航协会2016年MICHEAL RICHEY奖最佳论文提名。孙蕊博士关于GNSS多源信息融合的博士论文,获得Springer世界顶级高校优秀博士论文奖,并受到Springer资助出版。此外孙博士还承担国家自然科学基金2项,江苏省自然科学基金1项,以及来自企事业单位的多个导航定位多源信息融合相关的横向项目。